Troecon | Troescher Constulting

Mag.a Gabriele Troescher

born in 1968
Getreidegasse 21/4.Stock, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
  • University degree in French and Spanish linguistics (University of Vienna)
    other language skills English, Portuguese
  • Academically certified export merchant (University of economics in Vienna)
  • 22 years experience in international sales within the steel industry
  • Projectmanagment
  • Verification of company structures (organisation, process, sales ,purchase)
  • Process analysis - process optimization - facilitation
    (SWOT analysis, efficency in process structure, contract review, common conception of optimization, validation of implemented processes)
  • Strategy to maintain competitivness, conception of actions to be taken to increase sales activities
  • TCO - total cost of ownership
  • Consultancy in logistics and optimization
  • Training of employees, team development
  • Agency/consultancy
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